Hands-Only CPR

Open House

Sunday, June 9

2 — 5 p.m.

Fairfax County Fire and Rescue encourages all residents to learn life-saving Hands-Only CPR.

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about Hands-only cpr

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Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency in which the heart stops beating abruptly.

About 90% of people who experience cardiac arrest at home, work, or in public die because they don’t receive immediate CPR.


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70% of cardiac arrests occur in the home.

Knowing how to give CPR means you’re prepared to save the lives of the people you love.

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The first seconds

can be precious to someone suffering from cardiac arrest. In the minutes before help arrives, YOU are the first responder!

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Studies show that Hands-Only CPR is

just as effective as conventional CPR.

When given in the first few minutes, especially if an automated external defibrillator [AED] is used.

This quick and easy training is free and does not require pre-registration.

(Please note this is NOT a certification course.)

Due to safety concerns, this event is for adults only.

Please direct any questions about this event – or to inquire about hosting your own Hands-Only CPR instruction – to CPRinfo@greatfallsVFD.org.